All notable changes to this style guide are documented here.
- STIJ-361: Content of the mobile menu was not visible when using Internet Explorer.
- STIJ-357: Unified multistep form links with link atom.
- STIJ-324: Unified icon labels in teasers.
- STIJ-352: Changed programme spoticon size.
- STIJ-316: Added mobile/tablet styling for tabs.
- Added blue, teal and green themes.
- Updated themeable color variables.
This should not impact your applications
unless you decided to override the variables or used the theme
mixin yourself.
For a detailed overview of all affected components,
check out the git compare for this release and look for the theme
- Updated the header search background and border colors.
- Updated the authentication link; added a black user icon.
- Fixed background accolade in contact-details context.
- Fixed teaser hidden read more text order.
‘Read more’ links should be followed by a hidden text, not preceded.
This was incorrect in our templates.
Please check your projects to see if you had copied this error.
The correct template is: <a href="#" class="read-more standalone-link">
Read more
<span class="visually-hidden">about _usually the title of the teaser_</span>
- Fixed filter layout template.
The form actions (‘show result’) were outside of the filter form tag.
This template fix will not break the styling of the previous template,
but it is advisable to check your projects.
The form tag should be placed on the .modal-inner element if used as a filter form. <form class="modal-inner" action="">
<div class="modal-header"></div>
<div class="modal-content"></div>
<div class="modal-actions"></div>
- Fixed SVG for link, loupe, mail, newsletter and phone.
- Checkbox_filter.functions.js: added check to make sure checkbox input element is loaded.
- Privacy disclaimer in the form template.
- Removed shadow from inverted contact details.
- Adapted links hover color to status message background color.
- Allowed the use of strong tags around links in list-items.
- Added “about” to read more link value
- Fixed table bindings. Bind table functions to
'.responsive-table .table-wrapper'
instead of '.responsive-table'
to fix WCAG scrollable content violation.
- Fixed fieldset styling in filter layout modal. Make sure the
also has class sidebar
- Modal fixed-height had a scrollable region without keyboard access.
The template has been updated, make sure to add
on all your
templates in your project too.
Deprecated: ‘mijn-gent-block’ has been renamed to the more generic ‘authentication’
in order to match the documentation.
The ‘.mijn-gent-block’ class is still functional but marked as deprecated.
Please use ‘.authentication’ from now on.
Breaking ‘CTA-block’ now uses the generic highlight component.
The old template and classes will be removed in the next major version.
Make sure your templates use .highlight
and .highlight__inner
Radios and checkboxes template has been updated to fix the bottom margin.
Add a form-item wrapper around the form-columns, just like for any other form field.
Updated component names:
- ‘Day Widget’ to ‘Open Today’
- ‘Checkbox With Filter’ to ‘Checkboxes with filter’
- ‘Menu’ to ‘Main Menu’
- ‘Week Month Widget’ to ‘Opening Hours’
- ‘Readspeaker Button’ to ‘Text To Speech Button’
- ‘Summary Box’ to ‘Summary’
SCSS classes remain unchanged!
Updated fieldset styling and form-item margins.
Changed book.svg fill color so that it is able to transform to the different theme colors.
You can now also trigger opening the accordion component by using the URL hash.
Reduced spinner size.
The .active
link in the menu should now be bold.
Moved .social-list
styling to the footer and theme-footer components.
- Deprecated ‘contact-block’ has been marked as deprecated in favour of the generic ‘CTA-block’.
Templates and classes will be removed in the next major version.
- Deprecated
has been marked as deprecated.
- Deprecated
has been marked as deprecated.
- Deprecated
has been marked as deprecated.
Use modal/index.js from the vendor directory or install@digipolis-gent/modal as dependency.
- Removed:
component was unused and has been removed.
has been using .summary-text
for the same effect.
- Helper classes for margins and to hide elements.
- Removed border bottom from fieldsets where necessary.
- Fixed placeholder image for wide teasers.
- Invalid CSS in hr styling.
- Fixed form-columns whitespace.
- Fixed overflow issue for videos in the timeline component.
- Preview for Filter layout
- Filter modal is now a
- Size icon.
- Euro icon.
- Update icon.
- BREAKING: Menu templates have been changed.
Check which menu components are used in your project and
update your template accordingly.
- Inconsistent alignment between theme-footer and footer component.
- Filter layout sidebar overflow.
- Keyboard bug on checkboxes with filter.
- Fixed width of images in wide teasers.
- Focus outline for input type radio without class.
- Add deprecated classes for boxes so it doesn’t break anything.
Added partners block component.
Split Form
variants into separate components:
- Form (default)
- Multistep form
- Wizard
Intro component.
- The
class is now not dependent of .overview-layout
Users, size and wheelchair icons.
Highlight component:
, box-top
and box-no-icon
classes are now
deprecated. You should replace them with the new highlight component.
Focus styling for all components.
Language switcher component.
- Added more variants to form-actions.
- Display icons in gentinfo block in default text color.
- Move modal to root when it’s opened (Accessibility improvement).
- Moved image wall and image gallery components up a directory.
- Changed border color of links in status messages.
- Updated maps component with example maps.
- Added the slack channel to the docs.
- Updated all form font-sizes to .8rem or 16px.
- Renamed “Sidebar Layout” to “Filter Layout”.
- Remove hidden overflow from lists to fix missing underline.
- Fixed max width of Gentinfo logo.
- Added responsive styling to the table of contents component.
- Incorrect line-height for modal close button.
- Fixed position of calendar icon in teasers.
- BREAKING: Search block (too project specific).
- BREAKING: Feedback form (too project specific).
- Fixed translations for footer block.
- Removed icon from breadcrumb links.
- Removed icon from footer links.
- Alignment of programme component title and teasers.
- Z-index of login dropdown has now been increased to 99.
- Padding of cta-block–multiple.
- Fixed-height modal on IE11.
- Broken image placeholder.
Changed paddings for box with spot image at the top.
Renamed document-box
to documents
:warning: The document-box
CSS class is deprecated as from now.
Make breadcrumbs collapsible.
Empty image placeholder.
- Make show-more class for grid more specific, since “show-more” conflicts with
other libraries.
:warning: BREAKING CHANGE: Rename “show-more” to “grid__show-more”
- Blue background when focusing on select element in IE11/Edge.
- DTGB-728: Fixed line height for input date on mobile safari.
- DTGB-731: Fixed underline color of links in the cs–orange theme.
Related box
component (not generic enough).
component, it is renamed to Image
- Font-size override for h2 in Summary box.
- Background colors for table cells
- Globe icon.
Added rounded corners to modal.
Improved responsive behavior for file upload.
Added extra wrapper for tables, named table-wrapper
:warning: BREAKING CHANGE:: markup for table has changed.
Removed bold styling when hovering over a menu item.
Video breaking out of container when used in combination with text alignment.
‘Show more’ styling not being applied when not placed directly after a
Non-collapsing margins for grid, resulting in too much bottom margin.
:warning: BREAKING: a wrapper has been added around the grid.
Font-size of avatar is now 26px instead of 24px.
Cross-browser behavior for icon buttons.
Alignment of status messages with 1 line of text.
Crisis communcation block
, since it was too project-specific
- Subsite header title added for mobile.
Refactored subsite header template.
Added fixed font-size of .8rem to table cells.
Background color for the teaser label.
- Don’t stretch field-message over the available width, but determine the width
according to the content instead.
- Add spacing to fieldset field-messages.
- Display font in errored fields in normal font-style (instead of italic).
- Bug where checkboxes in fixed-height modal were displayed in the
- Modal width/height on tablet resolutions.
- Spacing for tags in inverted teasers.
Base.js dependencies from menu.functions and modal.functions.
Base.js does not exist anymore, remove it from your page template.
Updated link styling in mijn-gent block.
- Changed width of image gallery to 10 columns in the Detail layout.
- Quote wrapper is displayed over the full 12 columns in the Detail layout.
- Social block in theme footer is left aligned on mobile devices.
- JS error when no caption for table is provided.
- Spacing for mobile tables.
- Broken line in accolade for the Quote component.
- Image placeholders on Overview layout.
- Added class
to make Form Steps extendable.
- Make it possible to override the icon of
- Table row color for tables that both have a
and tbody
- Added table theming.
- Added JS functionality that adds necessary attributes to tables on page load.
- Added table theming.
- Added JS functionality that adds necessary attributes to tables on page load.
- Added all possible variants for the
Theme Footer
- Added all language variants for the
- Increased
- Faulty underline for tabs.
- Missing border-bottom for tags with a link.
- Header search button underline.
- Multiselect variant for
- Bottom border to fieldset.
- Logo to theme footer.
- No Image fallback for avatar in MijnGent block.
- Accolade background for field messages in boxes.
- Positioning of the subsite figure on IE11.
- DTGB-684: Separate
- DTGB-684: Separate
- DTGB-688: Vertical variant for Form Steps.
- DTGB-688: Wizard (as a variant for the Form organism).
- DTGB-688: Multistep form (as a variant for the Form organism).
DTGB-684: Moved select
to molecules and have it use the form-item
DTGB-684: Moved form
to organisms.
DTGB-688: Renamed ‘Wizard Steps’ to ‘Form Steps’.
:warning: The wizard-steps
CSS class is now deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. Update it to form-steps
DTGB-707: Removed webkit datepicker up/down arrows.
DTGB-708: Fixed button styling for iOS’ Safari.
- DTGB-684: Dark button variant.
- Reverted the
tag back to the default include
- Re-added path filters to fix asset paths for the generated static files.
- Changed yarn engine requirements to a
- Component templates are now included with the
tag. More info: frctl/twig.
- Resolved all dependency vulnerabilities.
- DTGB-552: Spinner.
- DTGB-680: Form-row.
- DTGB-673: Added Gent Info component.
- DTGB-621: Modal component in molecules tree (i.e. this component isn’t hidden anymore).
- DTGB-673: Added Gent Info component.
- DTGB-678: Form-disclaimer.
- DTGB-677: Wizard steps.
- DTGB-172: Component documentation.
DTGB-676: Exposed modal open and close functions.
DTGB-665: Refactored pages to only show layouts. This shouldn’t affect any
custom projects.
DTGB-621: Cross-browser behavior of the modal component.
DTGB-621: Focus management of the modal component.
DTGB-659: Changed tablet breakpoint from 769px
to 768px
DTGB-675: Refactoring of some components:
- Fonts description changed.
- Label component hidden in style guide.
- Field message component hidden in style guide.
- Logo component hidden in style guide.
DTGB-607: Changed font-size for boxes to 16px
(a.k.a. .8rem
DTGB-629: Updated text alignment for boxes on detail pages.
DTGB-697: Updated hover animation for links.
- DTGB-677: Form steps.
- DTGB-683: Frequently visited.
- DTGB-683: Filter placeholder.
- DTGB-649: contact block variants
- DTGB-650: multiple cta-block wrapper
- DTGB-651: Links on topic overview page
- DTGB-654: File download molecule
- DTGB-656: Frequently visited molecule
- DTGB-658: Filter placeholder
- DTGB-651: Topic teaser styling
- DTGB-656: Border-width of tag
- DTGB-655: Updated copy in checkbox-with-filter popup
- DTGB-604: removed font-size increase on +1920px screens
- DTGB-660: Added gentinfo logo to the gentinfo-island.
- DTGB-648: Refactored form fields
- DTGB-648: Field description (replaced by variant of field message)
- DTGB-574: tabs
- DTGB-633: inverted variant of contact-details
- DTGB-634: cta block variants
- DTGB-641: Refactored filter template to display filter button next to result instead of above it
- DTGB-635: Fixed missing scroll lock on mobile menu.
- DTGB-547: Added icon overview to the icon atom page.
- DTGB-569: Added subscribe molecule (hidden).
- DTGB-547: Renamed
to icon-url
- DTGB-610: Added dash-separated list
- DTGB-555: Added programme organism.
- DTGB-555: Added modal molecule.
- DTGB-569: Completely refactored theme footer.
- DTGB-429: Temporarily replaced baguettebox.js with a Forked version.
- DTGB-539: Refactored footer templates to sections.
- DTGB-539: Refactored timeline item wrappers to role listitem.
- DTBG-539: Refactored image-gallery template to also use labelledby.
- DTGB-509: Updated checkbox-with-filter template.
- DTGB-208: Added max-width fallback for text elements.
- DTGB-416: Updated gulp build to fail on error.
- DTGB-410: Added fractal search functionality.
- DTGB-203: Refactored gulpfile to gulp ^4.0.0
- DTGB-144: Added SassDoc generation for external developers.
- DTGB-147: Redefined the color palletes and color schemes.
- Refactored the way themify works. This removed the use of variables
to determine the themified variant of a component.
- Sections have changed into color schemes
Sections have been changed into color schemes with the
Colors are now defined in a $colors
SASS map and accessed through the
function. See the documentation of colors for more information.
- Themify changes
Refactored the way themify works. This removed the use of variables
to determine the themified variant of a component.
- Color scheme nesting removed
Color scheme nesting has also been removed because they won’t be used
anymore in the new style guide.
- Color panals introduced
Color panels have been added to allow easier default styling of new
components and to allow easier overriding of the properties of these
- STIJ-159: Added tag atom styling.
- DTGB-174: Changed styling of status messages.
- DTGB-214: Added new styling to buttons.
- DTGB-218: Added new logo.
- DTGB-258: Added gulp task to generate iconfont.
- DTGB-283: Updated the license file to GPLv2.
- DTGB-288: Added the quote molecule.
- DTGB-394: Moved layouts from 61-layouts directory to a 71-pages directory.
- DTGB-180: Added gulp task to perform accessibility checks.
- DTGB-209: Added new styling for basic input field atoms.
- DTGB-431: Added video component.
- We added styling for radio buttons and checkboxes. These were not styled in
previous versions of the style guide.
- Removed jQuery UI Datepicker support and integration!
Did some refactoring to the SASS partials. Most of the input field styling
can now be found in the
- DTGB-406: Added styling for the footer organism.
- DTGB-407: Changed the default font size breakpoints.
- DTGB-421: Added a feedback form component.
- DTGB-282: Added an image gallery organism.
- DTGB-282: Replaced lightgallery by baguettebox as lightbox libary.
- DTGB-423: Added a topic collection organism.
- DTGB-148: Refactored heading organism.
- DTGB-148: Added info-box organism.
- DTGB-140: Removed some files from the NPM package.
- DTGB-140: Fixed a bug where
npm install
the install of the style guide.
- DTGB-276: Fixed a bug where the breadcrumb alignment was not correct.
- Some markup changes have been introduced so you might need some
- DTGB-397: Changed the markup of radio buttons and checkboxes. They are
now inside their own fieldset.
- DTGB-401: Updated links to new public gent_base repository.
- DTGB-402: Added a required form fields indicator at the top of forms.
- DTGB-443: Added article teaser component.
- DTGB-443: Added ‘more articles’ block.
- STIJ-246: Added a mixin and class
to make it possible
to override the link styling of certain blocks with text-decoration: none;
- STIJ-246: Give links that are styled like a button a
text-decoration: none;
- STIJ-86: Added documentation for the description atom.
- STIJ-93: Added external link variant. This defines a class
that provides a ::before
on the link and adds a new-tab icon.
- STIJ-92: Updated the label atom documentation.
- STIJ-88: Updated the heading atom documentation.
- STIJ-96: Updated the paragraph atom documentation.
- STIJ-94: Updated the list atom documentation.
- STIJ-250: Added small fix for empty teaser collection preview templates.
- STIJ-244: Fixed critical gulp build bug. IMPORTANT Necessary fix for 2.8.0.
- STIJ-198: Changed color-element-states() mixin to element-states() mixin.
- STIJ-236: Fixed markup of breadcrumb + fixed an issue where the
breadcrumb didn’t wrap correctly.
- STIJ-237: IMPORTANT Removed bootstrap grid styling for forms.
- STIJ-200: Refactor status messages.
- STIJ-229 Refactored Gulp-file to ECMA-6
- STIJ-229 Fixed gulp npm-install. Added –help support and argument checking
through the yargs module.
- STIJ-229 Fixed gulp build to support -h –help, option validation through Yargs.
- STIJ-229 Refactored ES-lint to accomodate node.js, ES-6, enforced
‘use strict’; on a function level instead of global.
- STIJ-235: Refactor form actions.
- STIJ-221: Removed header margin top again. We need to think of a better way to
implement this.
- STIJ-219: Added travis integration.
- STIJ-223: Added codeclimate integration.
- STIJ-216:
- Added masonry-layout library.
- Added organism for masonry layout.
- STIJ-217: Added validation check to script.
- STIJ-197: Added margin top to headings and fixed the color of links inside
- STIJ-207: Fixed small issue for preview templates.
- STIJ-208: Fixed bug in
- STIJ-210: Move some dependencies to devDependencies.
- STIJ-211: Fixed newsletter block styling.
- STIJ-214: Added preview template fixes after refactoring the heading atoms.
Due to some issues with publishing to NPM we had to update to a new patch
version without introducing new changes to the style guide.
- STIJ-208: Removed console log and updated script to generate
main_cli.scss content.
- STIJ-170: Fixed a bug where the search icon in the header did not work for FF
and IE.
- STIJ-175: Added teaser and topic teaser molecules.
- STIJ-193: Added figcaption atom and figure molecule.
- STIJ-194: Updated preview layouts and added some building blocks.
- STIJ-199: Removed some style guide specific preview templates that where not
necessary anymore.
- STIJ-205: Added deploy script for admins.
- STIJ-206: Added main_cli.scss file that creates the main sass file without
SASS globbing to support Angular CLI.
- STIJ-207: Added small fix for preview layouts.
IMPORTANT: Class .text-center has been removed
- STIJ-1: Fixed whitespace issue for the gallery component.
- STIJ-30: Fixed styling for select and multi select fields on iPad.
- STIJ-39: Fixed component colors inside of sections, based on guidelines fron
the City of Ghent.
- STIJ-45: Changed jQuery UI datepicker format to a Dutch format.
- STIJ-87: Added description field documentation.
- STIJ-87: Refactored description field atom to use Themify mixin.
- STIJ-89: Changed the documentation of an icon to English and update it a bit.
- STIJ-96: Added paragraph atom documentation.
- STIJ-96: Removed the paragraph variant that contains centered text, it is
not allowed by the City of Ghent!
- STIJ-100: Added variant for CTA links.
- STIJ-100: Added CTA link documentation.
- STIJ-106: Added search molecule documentation.
- STIJ-170: Fixed search molecule bug where it was using the old button submit
atom instead of the input type submit atom.
- STIJ-170: Added a label to the search molecule.
- STIJ-170: Hide the label of the search molecule in the header organism.
- STIJ-170: Add placeholder to search molecule inside the header organism.
- STIJ-175: Added page wide image component.
- STIJ-177: Added newsletter block component.
- STIJ-178: Added styling for inline form-items.
- STIJ-178: Added address organism.
- STIJ-182: Fixed whitespace when previewing footer component in the style guide.
- STIJ-186: Added header variant with breadcrumb and with a banner image.
- STIJ-186: Added small fix to the buttons in the header.
- STIJ-188: Fixed issue in gulp command js:dist.
- STIJ-189: Fixed some style guide specific issues.
- STIJ-158: Changed datepicker date format to an English format.
- STIJ-159: Removed button submit atom.
- STIJ-159: Moved the submit button documentation to the input submit atom.
- STIJ-160: Changed the form actions - editor molecule variant to include a
normal button instead of a dropbutton.
- STIJ-161: Fixed broken links in documentation files.
- STIJ-162: Changed all Dutch text to English.
- STIJ-168: Changed style guide title to a versioned version.
- STIJ-169: Integrate link in style guide to the GitHub CHANGELOG.
- STIJ-50: Fixed label for attributes and changed a lot of the form examples in
the style guide.
- STIJ-86: Added documentation to some components.
- STIJ-156: Updated the CONTRIBUTING and README files.
- STIJ-156: Updated the README file of the gallery component with important
licensing information.
- STIJ-157: Changed the loaded JS files in the _preview.twig file to the
minified versions. This fixes issues when automatically deploying.
- STIJ-157: Changed the gulp file to also locally minify the JS files. This
fixes local JS issues.
IMPORTANT: Updating this style guide through composer is DEPRECATED! The next
release will remove composer.json!
- STIJ-154: Changed preview layout of style guide to be more user friendly.
- STIJ-156: Added license information for the gallery component that uses Light
Gallery (jQuery plugin).
Important: Check the bit about the commercial license!
- STIJ-155: Added small fixes to various form elements.
- STIJ-45: Added custom styling to the jQuery UI datepicker component.
- STIJ-148: Refactored hamburger-menu into a single component.
- STIJ-148: Made hamburger-menu WCAG compliant.
- STIJ-148: Created a global TabTrap object.
- STIJ-112: Added footer documentation.
- STIJ-149: The footer organism now has a different grid implementation. Through
the use of a data-columns attribute we made the grid styling flexible between
2, 3 or 4 columns.
- STIJ-150: Changed social media links block. This now displays the social media
links of Stad Ghent correctly.
- STIJ-147: Added changes to Chosen for multiselect fields. Chosen will now be
disabled on iPad.
- STIJ-146: Added at and code icons.
- Optimised following icons: caret, pinned, paper, idea, smartphone, data,
- STIJ-145: Added pinned icon.
- STIJ-63: Made Fractal variants of paragraphs.
- STIJ-63: Remove underlined text from paragraph examples,
it is discouraged to use underlined text.
- STIJ-131: Remove placeholders from all input type fields except search fields.
- STIJ-25: Fixed status messages preview pages.
- STIJ-140: Fixed themify issue on select input fields.
- STIJ-25: Added themify to the status messages component.
- Fixed select box appearance in IE.
- STIJ-139: Added no-optional class to hide optional from field labels.
- STIJ-139: Changed the styling of checkbox and radio field labels.
- STIJ-139: Added fieldset styling.
- STIJ-139: Changed class of messages.
- Fixed a bug in the script.
- STIJ-126: Removed CDN imports of external libraries and added them through
- STIJ-125: Fixed close button for items inside multiselect.
- STIJ-137: Changed preview template for Mijn Gent block.
- STIJ-40: Fixed ugly styling on buttons and input fields for iOS.
- STIJ-35: Added bindings and functions for the Gallery component.
- STIJ-2:
- Added default no-style styling to lists in the hamburger menu.
- Fixed preview hamburger menu.
- STIJ-34: Changed Gent info block title to h3.
- STIJ-32: Refactored heading.
- STIJ-95: Added more documentation.
- STIJ-122: Minor validation fixes.
- STIJ-123: Added form errors.
- STIJ-116: Minor change to the styling of the Form Steps molecule.
- STIJ-76:
- Added bindings and functions layer to all Javascript files.
- Added documentation for Javascript use and component Javascript.
- Refactored some Javascript code.
- STIJ-116:
- Changed markup for the Form Steps molecule.
- Changed styling for the Form Steps molecule.
- Added themify for the Form Steps molecule.