There are no notes for this item.
{% set content %}
{% include '@heading' with {
'type': 'h2',
'heading_text': 'How can we help you further?'
} %}
<div class="help-block-section">
{% include '@heading' with {
'type': 'h3',
'heading_text': '1. Maybe you were looking for this?'
} %}
{% include '@link' with {
'link': 'javascript:(void);',
'text': 'Filip Watteeuw',
'modifier': 'standalone-link'
} %}
{% include '@paragraph' with {
'text': 'Donec condimentum morbi et mollis ultrices eleifend a montes ante ad morbi est ad eleifend ullamcorper. Sapien tristique lectus integer ac condimentum orci nunc quisque',
} %}
{% include '@link' with {
'link': 'javascript:(void);',
'text': 'This is another link',
'modifier': 'standalone-link'
} %}
{% include '@paragraph' with {
'text': 'Donec condimentum morbi et mollis ultrices eleifend a montes ante ad morbi est ad eleifend ullamcorper.',
} %}
{% include '@link' with {
'link': 'javascript:(void);',
'text': 'And a third link',
'modifier': 'standalone-link'
} %}
{% include '@paragraph' with {
'text': 'Donec condimentum morbi et mollis ultrices eleifend a montes ante ad morbi est ad eleifend ullamcorper. Sapien tristique lectus integer ac condimentum orci nunc quisque',
} %}
<div class="help-block-section">
{% include '@heading' with {
'type': 'h3',
'heading_text': '2. Try to find the page through our search function:'
} %}
<label class="visually-hidden" for="search_field_403">What are you looking for?</label>
{% include '@search' with {
'text': 'Search!',
'for': 'search_field_403',
'search_id': 'search_field_403'
} %}
<div class="help-block-section">
{% include '@heading' with {
'type': 'h3',
'heading_text': '3. Continue to navigate from here?'
} %}
{% include '@paragraph' with {
'text': 'This can be done in several ways:',
} %}
{% include '@list' with {
'type': 'icon-list',
'icon_items': [
'<i class="icon-home" aria-hidden="true"></i><span>Return to the <a href="javascript:(void);" alt="Homepage">homepage</a></span>',
'<i class="icon-fancyback" aria-hidden="true"></i>Use the back button of your browser'
} %}
{% endset %}
{% include "@highlight--no-image" with {
content: content,
classes: ['help-block']
} %}
<section class="highlight help-block">
<div class="highlight__inner">
<h2>How can we help you further?</h2>
<div class="help-block-section">
<h3>1. Maybe you were looking for this?</h3>
<a href='javascript:(void);' class="standalone-link">
Filip Watteeuw </a>
<p class="">Donec condimentum morbi et mollis ultrices eleifend a montes ante ad morbi est ad eleifend ullamcorper. Sapien tristique lectus integer ac condimentum orci nunc quisque</p>
<a href='javascript:(void);' class="standalone-link">
This is another link </a>
<p class="">Donec condimentum morbi et mollis ultrices eleifend a montes ante ad morbi est ad eleifend ullamcorper.</p>
<a href='javascript:(void);' class="standalone-link">
And a third link </a>
<p class="">Donec condimentum morbi et mollis ultrices eleifend a montes ante ad morbi est ad eleifend ullamcorper. Sapien tristique lectus integer ac condimentum orci nunc quisque</p>
<div class="help-block-section">
<h3>2. Try to find the page through our search function:</h3>
<label class="visually-hidden" for="search_field_403">What are you looking for?</label>
<form class="form search">
<input type="search" id="search_field_403" name="search_field_403" class="search" required="true" />
<input type="submit" value="Search!" class="" />
<div class="help-block-section">
<h3>3. Continue to navigate from here?</h3>
<p class="">This can be done in several ways:</p>
<ul class="icon-list ">
<li><i class="icon-home" aria-hidden="true"></i><span>Return to the <a href="javascript:(void);" alt="Homepage">homepage</a></span></li>
<li><i class="icon-fancyback" aria-hidden="true"></i>Use the back button of your browser</li>
/* No context defined for this component. */
/// @deprecated
.help-block {
@include theme('background-color', 'color-primary--lighten-5', 'search-block-background');
ul {
margin: 0;
list-style-type: none;
@include tablet {
margin-left: auto;
li {
position: relative;
margin-bottom: .5rem;
line-height: 1.8;
> * {
font-size: .8rem;
&-section {
max-width: $six-of-bp-container;
margin-right: auto;
margin-bottom: 2rem;
&:last-of-type {
margin: 0;
.search {
@include desktop {
width: span(7 of 9);