All fields are required, unless they are marked as optional.
The City of Ghent treats the personal data you fill in with respect for your privacy .
The City of Ghent treats the personal data you fill in with respect for your privacy. For this purpose, we follow the General Data Protection Ordinance .
This is a short text describing what the personal data entered in the form above are for, with whom they are shared and for how long they are kept. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sodales nisi in mi fringilla malesuada. Donec sapien nibh, facilisis id enim a, malesuada lacinia magna. Aenean at sagittis ipsum, nec condimentum quam. Etiam interdum convallis justo, eu sodales erat.
This is a short text describing the rights. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sodales nisi in mi fringilla malesuada. Donec sapien nibh, facilisis id enim a, malesuada lacinia magna. Aenean at sagittis ipsum, nec condimentum quam.
Do you suspect someone is using your personal information illegally? Report it to us at . You also have the right to complain to the Flemish Supervisory Commission for the processing of personal data .