City of Ghent Style Guide


When to use this component

Use the image component to present a full-width image banner on a page. The banner is a simple image shown in the aspect ratio of the image itself (so not 8:5 by default) with a max-width of the maximum grid container size, set in the $bp-container variable, or the viewport width (for smaller screens).

How it works

For images, the following requirements should be followed:

  • An alt attribute is required. A short text alternative should be specified using the alt attribute. See WCAG Technique page
  • For images that are purely decorative images, the alt attributes must be empty.
  • The aspect ratio is determined by the image inside
  • When the image cannot be loaded or is not found, a placeholder is used. See the “broken image placeholder” example.
  • When there is no image to show, a placeholder is used. See the “no image placeholder” example.

The image components also adds the benefit of providing an optional caption tag.


<div class="banner-image-container full-width">
    <div class="banner-image">
        {% include '@image' with {
            src: '',
            alt_text: image|first.alt,
            caption: image|first.caption
        } %}
<div class="banner-image-container full-width">
    <div class="banner-image">
        <figure><img src="" alt="placeholder image alternative text" />
            <figcaption>image caption</figcaption>
  "image": [
      "src": "",
      "alt": "placeholder image alternative text",
      "caption": "image caption"
  • Content:
    .banner-image {
      position: relative;
      max-width: calc($bp-container + $container-padding*2);
      margin: 0 auto;
      padding: 0 $container-padding;
      text-align: center;
      figure {
        display: inline-block;
        position: relative;
        max-width: 100%;
        img {
          width: auto;
          margin: 0 auto;
      figcaption {
        display: none;
        max-width: $bp-container;
        @include tablet {
          display: block;
  • URL: /components/raw/banner/_banner.scss
  • Filesystem Path: components/41-organisms/banner/_banner.scss
  • Size: 436 Bytes