City of Ghent Style Guide


When to use this component

A paragraph is used to present a portion of text (a paragraph). A paragraph consists of one or more sentences.

When not to use this component

To present text that is not a complete sentence.

Composition and behavior of this component

Next to normal text, a paragraph can also contain:

  • Links (internal, external, download, mailto).
  • Words or parts of sentences emphasized by italic or bold text.

A paragraph has a certain behavior:

  • On desktop resolutions and tablets in landscape mode, a paragraph should always have a width of 7/12 based on the container. This means the container needs to make sure that paragraphs can never be bigger then 7/12 of itself.
  • On tablets in portrait mode and mobile resolutions, a paragraph should always be the full width of the container.
  • The text in a paragraph:
    • Should always have a max-width of 40 rems.
    • Can never be centered.
    • Can never be justified.
<p>{{ text }}</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, <a href="tel:0000000000">0414001122</a> consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sollicitudin mauris vel nisi condimentum accumsan. Phasellus eget est condimentum erat fringilla congue. <a href="">Duis malesuada justo</a> ut tincidunt tincidunt. Vestibulum in felis quam. In <strong>varius</strong> ligula vel ultricies consequat. Cras fringilla blandit purus nec <a href='javascript:(void);'>fermentum</a>. Vivamus tristique ac mi a <i>pulvinar</i>. Quisque non ipsum tortor. Nunc nec odio non tellus malesuada molestie id sed ipsum. Curabitur risus ex, <a href="/some/file" download="download">aliquet</a> sed orci a, sagittis finibus sem. Ut bibendum purus id sodales scelerisque.</p>
  "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, <a href=\"tel:0000000000\">0414001122</a> consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sollicitudin mauris vel nisi condimentum accumsan. Phasellus eget est condimentum erat fringilla congue. <a href=\"\">Duis malesuada justo</a> ut tincidunt tincidunt. Vestibulum in felis quam. In <strong>varius</strong> ligula vel ultricies consequat. Cras fringilla blandit purus nec <a href='javascript:(void);'>fermentum</a>. Vivamus tristique ac mi a <i>pulvinar</i>. Quisque non ipsum tortor. Nunc nec odio non tellus malesuada molestie id sed ipsum. Curabitur risus ex, <a href=\"/some/file\" download=\"download\">aliquet</a> sed orci a, sagittis finibus sem. Ut bibendum purus id sodales scelerisque."
  • Content:
    p {
      @include large-text();
      margin-top: 20px;
      margin-bottom: 20px;
      line-height: 177.778%;
      &:first-child {
        margin-top: 0;
      .dark-background & {
        @include theme('color', 'color-none', 'default-text-color-inverse');
    /// Helper class to align text right.
    /// @since 3.0.0
    /// @access public
    /// @author Gert-Jan Meire
    .text-right {
      text-align: right;
    /// Helper class to align text left.
    /// @since 3.0.0
    /// @access public
    /// @author Gert-Jan Meire
    .text-left {
      text-align: left;
  • URL: /components/raw/paragraph/_paragraph.scss
  • Filesystem Path: components/21-atoms/paragraph/_paragraph.scss
  • Size: 542 Bytes