This style guide offers some JavaScript functionality to
be used in various situations or to implement part of
the behaviour of this style guide.
All JavaScript libraries and code in this style guide have been thoroughly
tested for accessibility.
As this style guide aims to be platform and framework independent,
you are free to use your own favorite libraries or write your own code
as long as you provide the same functionality and
meet the same accessibility requirements.
All external libraries can be found in the /vendor directory.
Using JavaScript
Javascript files are organized per component. Each component consists of
the following files namely:
- COMPONENT.functions.js (optional if an external library is implemented)
- COMPONENT.binding.js
Depending on the implementation of the style guide either the functions.js
file or both are necessary.
Javascript enabled components
Inside this stylguide we have the following Javascript enabled components:
- Modal (Main Menu, Filter…)
- Gallery (Image Gallery, Image Wall)
- Tabs
- Accordion (FAQ, Timeline, Language Switcher, Authentication, Opening Hours…)
Our own accessible accordion library used for all collapsible content.
For a detailed description of this library, see the notes on our
accordion molecule.
- Breadcrumbs
Style guide implementation of the
breadcrumbs molecule.
- Table
Provides accessibility features for a responsive table molecule.
- Checkboxes dynamic
On top of using the accordion and modal, this component has it’s own JS to link the preview checkboxes to their
modal counterpart, the modal checkboxes to the filter tags and so on.