City of Ghent Style Guide

No notes defined.


{% set isOptionElement = type == 'radio' or type == 'checkbox' %}
{% if isOptionElement %}
<div class="{{ type ~ (modifierWrapper ? ' ' ~ modifierWrapper : '') }}">
{% endif %}

  <input type="{{ type }}" id="{{ id }}"
     {% if attributes %}
       {{ attributes }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if ariaDescribedBy %}
      aria-describedby="{{ ariaDescribedBy }}"
    {% endif %}
    {% if name %}
      name="{{ name }}"
    {% endif %}
    {% if value %}
      value="{{ value }}"
    {% endif %}
    {% if type %}
      class="{{ type ~ (modifier ? ' ' ~ modifier : '') }}"
    {% endif %}
    {% if disabled %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if placeholder %}
      placeholder="{{ placeholder }}"
    {% endif %}
    {% if required %}
      required="{{ required }}"
    {% endif %}
    {% if invalid %}
      aria-invalid="{{ invalid }}"
    {% endif %}
  {% if isOptionElement %}
  <label for="{{ id }}">{{ label }}</label>
{% endif %}
<!-- Text -->
<input type="text" id="text" name="input_name" class="text" />

<!-- Email -->
<input type="email" id="email" name="input_name" class="email" />

<!-- Password -->
<input type="password" id="password" name="input_name" class="password" />

<!-- Number -->
<input type="number" id="number" name="input_name" class="number" />

<!-- Date -->
<input type="date" id="date" name="input_name" class="date" />

<!-- Tel -->
<input type="tel" id="tel" name="input_name" class="tel" />

<!-- Url -->
<input type="url" id="url" name="input_name" class="url" />

<!-- Radio -->
<div class="radio">

    <input type="radio" id="radio" name="input_name" class="radio" />
    <label for="radio">input type radio</label>

<!-- Checkbox -->
<div class="checkbox">

    <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox" name="input_name" class="checkbox" />
    <label for="checkbox">input type checkbox</label>

<!-- Search -->
<input type="search" id="search" name="input_name" class="search" placeholder="search placeholder" />

<!-- Text Error -->
<input type="text" id="text--error" name="input_name" class="text error" />

<!-- Email Error -->
<input type="email" id="email--error" name="input_name" class="email error" />

<!-- Password Error -->
<input type="password" id="password--error" name="input_name" class="password error" />

<!-- Number Error -->
<input type="number" id="number--error" name="input_name" class="number error" />

<!-- Date Error -->
<input type="date" id="date--error" name="input_name" class="date error" />

<!-- Tel Error -->
<input type="tel" id="tel--error" name="input_name" class="tel error" />

<!-- Url Error -->
<input type="url" id="url--error" name="input_name" class="url error" />

<!-- Radio Error -->
<div class="radio">

    <input type="radio" id="radio--error" name="input_name" class="radio error" />
    <label for="radio--error">input type radio</label>

<!-- Checkbox Error -->
<div class="checkbox">

    <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox--error" name="input_name" class="checkbox error" />
    <label for="checkbox--error">input type checkbox</label>

<!-- Text Success -->
<input type="text" id="text--success" name="input_name" class="text success" />

<!-- Email Success -->
<input type="email" id="email--success" name="input_name" class="email success" />

<!-- Password Success -->
<input type="password" id="password--success" name="input_name" class="password success" />

<!-- Number Success -->
<input type="number" id="number--success" name="input_name" class="number success" />

<!-- Date Success -->
<input type="date" id="date--success" name="input_name" class="date success" />

<!-- Tel Success -->
<input type="tel" id="tel--success" name="input_name" class="tel success" />

<!-- Url Success -->
<input type="url" id="url--success" name="input_name" class="url success" />

<!-- Radio Success -->
<div class="radio">

    <input type="radio" id="radio--success" name="input_name" class="radio success" />
    <label for="radio--success">input type radio</label>

<!-- Checkbox Success -->
<div class="checkbox">

    <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox--success" name="input_name" class="checkbox success" />
    <label for="checkbox--success">input type checkbox</label>

<!-- Text Disabled True -->
<input type="text" id="text--disabled-true" name="input_name" class="text" disabled="disabled" />

<!-- Email Disabled True -->
<input type="email" id="email--disabled-true" name="input_name" class="email" disabled="disabled" />

<!-- Password Disabled True -->
<input type="password" id="password--disabled-true" name="input_name" class="password" disabled="disabled" />

<!-- Number Disabled True -->
<input type="number" id="number--disabled-true" name="input_name" class="number" disabled="disabled" />

<!-- Date Disabled True -->
<input type="date" id="date--disabled-true" name="input_name" class="date" disabled="disabled" />

<!-- Tel Disabled True -->
<input type="tel" id="tel--disabled-true" name="input_name" class="tel" disabled="disabled" />

<!-- Url Disabled True -->
<input type="url" id="url--disabled-true" name="input_name" class="url" disabled="disabled" />

<!-- Radio Disabled True -->
<div class="radio">

    <input type="radio" id="radio--disabled-true" name="input_name" class="radio" disabled="disabled" />
    <label for="radio--disabled-true">input type radio</label>

<!-- Checkbox Disabled True -->
<div class="checkbox">

    <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox--disabled-true" name="input_name" class="checkbox" disabled="disabled" />
    <label for="checkbox--disabled-true">input type checkbox</label>

/* Text */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "text",
  "label": "input type text",
  "id": "text",
  "modifier": null,
  "disabled": null

/* Email */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "email",
  "label": "input type email",
  "id": "email",
  "modifier": null,
  "disabled": null

/* Password */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "password",
  "label": "input type password",
  "id": "password",
  "modifier": null,
  "disabled": null

/* Number */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "number",
  "label": "input type number",
  "id": "number",
  "modifier": null,
  "disabled": null

/* Date */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "date",
  "label": "input type date",
  "id": "date",
  "modifier": null,
  "disabled": null

/* Tel */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "tel",
  "label": "input type tel",
  "id": "tel",
  "modifier": null,
  "disabled": null

/* Url */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "url",
  "label": "input type url",
  "id": "url",
  "modifier": null,
  "disabled": null

/* Radio */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "radio",
  "label": "input type radio",
  "id": "radio",
  "modifier": null,
  "disabled": null

/* Checkbox */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "checkbox",
  "label": "input type checkbox",
  "id": "checkbox",
  "modifier": null,
  "disabled": null

/* Search */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "search",
  "label": "input type search",
  "id": "search",
  "placeholder": "search placeholder"

/* Text Error */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "text",
  "label": "input type text",
  "id": "text--error",
  "modifier": "error",
  "disabled": null

/* Email Error */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "email",
  "label": "input type email",
  "id": "email--error",
  "modifier": "error",
  "disabled": null

/* Password Error */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "password",
  "label": "input type password",
  "id": "password--error",
  "modifier": "error",
  "disabled": null

/* Number Error */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "number",
  "label": "input type number",
  "id": "number--error",
  "modifier": "error",
  "disabled": null

/* Date Error */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "date",
  "label": "input type date",
  "id": "date--error",
  "modifier": "error",
  "disabled": null

/* Tel Error */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "tel",
  "label": "input type tel",
  "id": "tel--error",
  "modifier": "error",
  "disabled": null

/* Url Error */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "url",
  "label": "input type url",
  "id": "url--error",
  "modifier": "error",
  "disabled": null

/* Radio Error */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "radio",
  "label": "input type radio",
  "id": "radio--error",
  "modifier": "error",
  "disabled": null

/* Checkbox Error */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "checkbox",
  "label": "input type checkbox",
  "id": "checkbox--error",
  "modifier": "error",
  "disabled": null

/* Text Success */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "text",
  "label": "input type text",
  "id": "text--success",
  "modifier": "success",
  "disabled": null

/* Email Success */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "email",
  "label": "input type email",
  "id": "email--success",
  "modifier": "success",
  "disabled": null

/* Password Success */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "password",
  "label": "input type password",
  "id": "password--success",
  "modifier": "success",
  "disabled": null

/* Number Success */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "number",
  "label": "input type number",
  "id": "number--success",
  "modifier": "success",
  "disabled": null

/* Date Success */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "date",
  "label": "input type date",
  "id": "date--success",
  "modifier": "success",
  "disabled": null

/* Tel Success */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "tel",
  "label": "input type tel",
  "id": "tel--success",
  "modifier": "success",
  "disabled": null

/* Url Success */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "url",
  "label": "input type url",
  "id": "url--success",
  "modifier": "success",
  "disabled": null

/* Radio Success */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "radio",
  "label": "input type radio",
  "id": "radio--success",
  "modifier": "success",
  "disabled": null

/* Checkbox Success */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "checkbox",
  "label": "input type checkbox",
  "id": "checkbox--success",
  "modifier": "success",
  "disabled": null

/* Text Disabled True */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "text",
  "label": "input type text",
  "id": "text--disabled-true",
  "modifier": null,
  "disabled": true

/* Email Disabled True */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "email",
  "label": "input type email",
  "id": "email--disabled-true",
  "modifier": null,
  "disabled": true

/* Password Disabled True */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "password",
  "label": "input type password",
  "id": "password--disabled-true",
  "modifier": null,
  "disabled": true

/* Number Disabled True */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "number",
  "label": "input type number",
  "id": "number--disabled-true",
  "modifier": null,
  "disabled": true

/* Date Disabled True */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "date",
  "label": "input type date",
  "id": "date--disabled-true",
  "modifier": null,
  "disabled": true

/* Tel Disabled True */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "tel",
  "label": "input type tel",
  "id": "tel--disabled-true",
  "modifier": null,
  "disabled": true

/* Url Disabled True */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "url",
  "label": "input type url",
  "id": "url--disabled-true",
  "modifier": null,
  "disabled": true

/* Radio Disabled True */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "radio",
  "label": "input type radio",
  "id": "radio--disabled-true",
  "modifier": null,
  "disabled": true

/* Checkbox Disabled True */
  "name": "input_name",
  "type": "checkbox",
  "label": "input type checkbox",
  "id": "checkbox--disabled-true",
  "modifier": null,
  "disabled": true

  • Content:
    input[type="url"] {
      @include field-base;
      &::placeholder {
        font-style: initial;
    input[type="password"] {
      [class*="cs--"] & {
        &:focus {
          padding-right: $field-icon-padding;
          background-image: svg-as-background('lock-closed', color('gray'), 24, 24);
          background-repeat: no-repeat;
          background-position: right .75rem center;
          &:disabled {
            background-image: svg-as-background('lock-closed', color('gray', -2), 24, 24);
    input[type=date] {
      padding-right: 0;
      // Fixes vertical alignment on mobile safari.
      line-height: 2.4rem;
      &::-webkit-calendar-picker-indicator { // sass-lint:disable-line no-vendor-prefixes
        @include theme('background-color', 'button-secondary-background');
        width: 1.2rem;
        height: 1.2rem;
        padding: .5rem;
        background-image: svg-as-background('calendar', color('gray'), 30, 30);
        &:hover {
          @include theme('background-color', 'button-secondary-hover-background');
          cursor: pointer;
      &::-webkit-inner-spin-button { // sass-lint:disable-line no-vendor-prefixes
        margin-left: .5rem;
        -webkit-appearance: none;  // sass-lint:disable-line no-vendor-prefixes
    .radio {
      @include choices-field-base('radio');
      &:hover {
        // Unchecked and hovered.
        label::before {
          @include theme('background-color', 'color-zero--lighten-5', 'radio-background-color-hover');
          @include theme('border-color', 'color-zero--lighten-2', 'radio-border-color-hover');
        // Checked and hovered.
        input[type="radio"]:checked + label::before {
          @include theme('background-color', 'color-zero--lighten-5', 'radio-background-color-hover-and-checked');
          @include theme('border-color', 'color-primary', 'radio-border-color-hover-and-checked');
          @include theme('color', 'color-primary', 'radio-color-hover-and-checked');
      &:focus + label,
      input[type="radio"]:focus + label {
        @include focus-bare;
    .checkbox {
      @include choices-field-base('checkbox');
      &:hover {
        // Unchecked and hovered.
        label::before {
          @include theme('background-color', 'color-zero--lighten-5', 'checkbox-background-color-hover');
        // Checked and hovered.
        input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label::before {
          @include theme('background-color', 'color-zero--lighten-5', 'checkbox-background-color-hover-and-checked');
          @include theme('border-color', 'color-primary', 'checkbox-border-color-hover-and-checked');
          @include theme('color', 'color-zero', 'checkbox-color-hover-and-checked');
      &:focus + label,
      input[type="checkbox"]:focus + label {
        @include focus-bare;
  • URL: /components/raw/input/_input.scss
  • Filesystem Path: components/21-atoms/input/_input.scss
  • Size: 2.9 KB